The reset of student participation: An analysis of participation tools, dynamics and perceptions in a blended learning context
Achieving student participation and involvement in the development of each subject is a long-standing challenge in higher education. On the basis of this premise, this article focuses on studying the levels of student participation in virtual and face-to-face education environments in the third year of a DEGREE at INSTITUTION. More specifically, our analysis aims to compare students' general impressions of their participation in both contexts (on-site teaching and virtual teaching during the university closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic) and to probe their opinion on the participation tools used by the teaching staff with a focus on which of those tools they consider most and least useful in each context. To achieve these aims, a two-stage study combining quantitative and qualitative data was developed through two coalescent data collection procedures: an online questionnaire responded by 47 out of 70 students and a subsequent virtual discussion group with five students. The analysis of the information collected consolidates participation as a problematic aspect in the teaching-learning process in both environments, although it also shows a year-on-year improvement in virtual contexts. Similarly, the results show a widespread support of the instruments used by teachers to boost the levels of student participation in both online and face-to-face sessions.
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