Didactic of Social Sciences in early childhood education: curricular expectations and teacher training
Teachers of Early Childhood Education must learn to teach Social Sciences even if they are considered general teachers. From our experience as teachers of Social Science Didactics, we would like to highlight a series of deficiencies and limitations detected in the students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education Degree at two Spanish universities. Reorienting the conceptions acquired about the teaching practice becomes one of the purposes of initial training. Making university students see the limitations that hinder a critical review of the beliefs and the value systems that unconsciously crystallize in the pre-university phase is an outstanding step in this initial training process. For this reason, we carried out a case study at the University of Valencia and the University of Almería with students from the 2020-2021 academic year. The aim of this study was to analyze the perception, expectations and perspectives that these Education students had as regards the Teaching of Social Sciences. The instruments used were a questionnaire and group interviews. The results showed that the specific training provided in the subject of Didactics of Social Sciences in the Degree of Early Childhood Education allowed students to analyze the social representations of their future profession, thus dignifying it through an increase in future teachers’ self-perception.
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