Literary education and digital competence through active methodologies for the training of future teachers


Keywords: Literary education, higher education, virtual learning, project Works, workshops of creative Writing, digital competence


This study aims to reflect on literary education in on line contexts and on the methodological keys for its adaptation in the specific case of initial training. In accordance with this objective, two investigations based on the use of active methodologies were carried out in the Education degrees. These were: projects and literary creation workshops, which allowed for an integrated development of the competences related to literary education, in addition to other transversal skills like cooperative networking or digital competence. Through different methodological strategies, we outlined a transition from face-to-face teaching to virtual educational settings, derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially due to the inclusion of information and communication technologies in the design of the proposals implemented, which was consistent with the current needs of the learners. The analysis of the implementation of both didactic designs led to provisional conclusions about the necessary requirements of future teachers in the Language and Literature Didactics area when it comes to achieving significant and useful learning.


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How to Cite
Rodrigo Segura, F., & Ibarra Rius, N. (2022). Literary education and digital competence through active methodologies for the training of future teachers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 40(3), 37–60.