Parental Competence in Infant and Primary Education: Design and validation of an instrument


  • María Ángeles Blanco Portillo Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • Paz Cánovas Leonhardt Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • Piedad Sahuquillo Mateo Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • Amparo Pérez Carbonell Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • Verónica Riquelme Soto Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Parenting education, parent responsivity, parental competence, measuring instrument


Currently, families are faced with continuous challenges that require efficiency and effectiveness in the process of upbringing and a conscious awareness of parenthood and how to implement it based on protecting and orienting children. From this point of view, the need for an educational model focused on the development of parental competences, that is, on providing knowledge, skills and attitudes that optimize parental roles with respect to the full and systemic development of human beings becomes evident. Given the need for parents to exercise their role in the education of their children, the main objective of this article is the design of an ad hoc instrument for the analysis of parental competence in Infant and Primary Education. In order to respond to this objective, we conducted an analysis of the scientific literature and reviewed some of the existing national and international evaluation instruments related to this field. In addition, we designed an instrument and undertook a study of content and construct validation through expert committees and an exploratory and confirmatory factorial reliability analysis. Results evidence that this is a test that presents an adequate discriminant and convergent validity for the population under study but a low reliability for some of the factors/dimensions.


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How to Cite
Blanco Portillo, M. Ángeles, Cánovas Leonhardt, P., Sahuquillo Mateo, P., Pérez Carbonell, A., & Riquelme Soto, V. (2021). Parental Competence in Infant and Primary Education: Design and validation of an instrument. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(2), 213–234.