Pedagogical, technological and social interaction aspects of mobile learning: A systematic review


  • Alicia González Pérez Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
  • María José Sosa Díaz Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Keywords: Mobile learning, Teaching methods, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Self-regulated learning, Collaborative learning


The use of mobile technologies is increasing exponentially in training contexts as a way to enable dynamic, flexible and open teaching-learning methodologies. This article presents a systematic review carried out considering scientific articles indexed in the Education databases ERIC and Dialnet. We aimed to develop an explanatory model in which elements emerging from mobile learning were identified. Articles were analyzed to configure an explanatory mobile learning model considering three aspects: pedagogical, technological and social interaction. The results show key elements that help to understand the importance of mobile learning in designing a student-centered learning process that addresses the needs of collaboration and interrelationship between users both in social media environments and outside the classroom. It also emphasizes the need for mobile learning to be connected, to be open, flexible, ubiquitous, and implemented through active learning methodologies.


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How to Cite
González Pérez, A., & Sosa Díaz, M. J. (2021). Pedagogical, technological and social interaction aspects of mobile learning: A systematic review. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(1), 257–280.