Opportunities for teacher training: an approach from the Learning Ecologies


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.463211
Keywords: teacher professional development; learning ecologies; Early Childhood Education; learning throughout life; formal learning; non-formal learning; informal learning; self-training., teacher professional development, learning ecologies, Early Childhood Education, learning throughout life, formal learning, no-formal learning, informal learning, self-training


One of the most relevant characteristics of the Information and Knowledge Society is the fact that learning no longer takes place merely in regulated training institutions, but also in non-formal and informal spaces. Digital technologies give us the possibility to learn at any time and in any place. This breaks space-time barriers generating learning experiences which nowadays are unlimited. Thus, the present work aims to analyse how the different learning and training opportunities contribute to the professional development of teachers. This qualitative piece of research adopted a case study design. The participants were four Early Childhood Education teachers from the province of A Coruña (Spain). Data were collected through in-depth interviews. The information was processed through content analysis strategies. The results show that teachers carry out multiple training activities to keep up-to-date including courses offered by the educational administration, through the Training and Resource Centres, and meetings with other professionals. Learning Ecologies are presented as a useful framework from which it is possible to integrate and optimize various learning experiences, understanding holistically the manyfold elements that determine the professional development of the four teachers in the case study and the potential of their synergies.


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How to Cite
Souto-Seijo, A., Estévez, I., & Sande, O. . (2021). Opportunities for teacher training: an approach from the Learning Ecologies. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(2), 61–80. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.463211