Learning to teach in a consecutive modality teacher: learning - passage /s


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.456491
Keywords: Learning, passage, teaching, teacher training


This article, part of a doctoral thesis, explores the specificities of learning in relation to teaching that is achieved within the framework of a teaching career of consecutive modality or of curricular complementation. This modality targets university graduates who decide to work in teaching. We used a qualitative methodological design aimed at exploring the ways in which individuals in this situation perceive and experience the phenomenon, their points of view, interpretations and meanings. More specifically, we focused on the moment when these teachers initiate their teaching. According to the results of the thesis, the learning achieved is characterized as passage / s. Two types of passages were identified: those related to roles or institutional positions - from students to teachers - and those related to profession and work objects - from specialists in a disciplinary field to educators. Participants highlight teaching itself and the help of other colleagues as the main sources of learning. The results contribute to problematizing teacher training in its initial stage, especially around its didactic aspects. They also highlight the importance of teaching practice in the teacher training curriculum, on the one hand, the centrality of practices in teacher training curricula and the ways teacher trainers teach.


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How to Cite
Salgueiro, M. A. (2022). Learning to teach in a consecutive modality teacher: learning - passage /s. Educatio Siglo XXI, 40(2), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.456491