Factors associated with face-to-face educational disruption by COVID-19: Higher education students’ opinions towards virtual education.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.440391
Keywords: Covid-19, virtual education, disruption, academic continuity, factors


This research was carried out during the suspension of face-to-face classes due to SARS-CoV-2. Objectives: to identify the factors associated with the problems faced by learners to continue their studies on-line, and to measure the student’s predisposition to this new way of learning. In the study, 51 students were surveyed, 2x2 tables were made to determine the risk (OR), and chi square (X2) and Fisher's exact tests were conducted. A Likert scale was used to assess students’ opinions and perspectives on their educational environment. In the multivariate analysis the factors associated with the problems to continue studying online were: not having devices for their classes; bad or very bad communication with their teachers; working online was considered from ordinary to very bad; not enough progress in the contents; having three or more family members studying; and the actions taken by the university in the face of the pandemic were held to be ordinary or very bad. The Fisher's exact test revealed that female students were faced with more problems to communicate with teachers and to continue with their studies. On the Likert scale, the lack of student-teacher communication was the worst evaluated aspect. Poor student-teacher communication, especially as perceived by female students, is not exclusive of this study and coincides with previous research in which lack of technological tools, connectivity and institutional care are also widely mentioned factors. The effect of the factors associated with the problems to continue studying can be summarized as follows: improving the communication and empathy of the teaching staff in view of the socio-economic context of their students

In this work, 51 students (35 women and 16 men) were surveyed. Using SPSS v.25 statistical software, 2 X 2 tables were made to determine the risk (OR), the statistical significance of chi square (X2) with p values ​​<.05 (Fisher's exact test). In the results, it was found that one in five students has difficulties with connectivity to the internet network and 21.5% (11/51) reported having problems to continue their studies due to the deficiency of their own computer equipment; effective communication with their teachers; the new form of virtual work; progress in the contents of the learning units; have more than 3 family members studying and, the actions of the university against COVID-19.

In the second part of the study, the Likert-type scale was used to assess five clusters: 1) student-teacher communication, 2) satisfaction with the final result, 3) the attention received from teachers, 4) the grade obtained with the development of their academic activities and 5) the way of evaluating learning.


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How to Cite
Andraca-Sánchez, C., Muñoz-García, A. H., & González-González, J. (2022). Factors associated with face-to-face educational disruption by COVID-19: Higher education students’ opinions towards virtual education. Educatio Siglo XXI, 40(1), 153–178. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.440391