Evolution and new perspectives of the concept of resilience: from an individual-based approach to socio-educational contexts and relationships


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.432981
Keywords: Resilience; adversity; educational relationships; community; empowerment.


Resilience is a concept that in recent years has had an ever-increasing presence in social and educational settings in Spain. Although its use is relatively recent in the Spanish context, it has been used in professional practice and supported by extensive research in the English-speaking context. This paper aims to study the evolution of this concept over the last decades. Our analysis found that resilience is a controversial topic and is still being constructed. The outcomes of the literature review and the conceptual study on resilience showed that this issue has been evolving over the last three decades, moving from an individual-based approach to resilience, focused on the qualities of a resilient person, towards a more socio-educational focus, concerned with understanding all the cultural and community-based elements that emerge and interact in resilience processes. From this analysis, the paper delimits some conclusions aimed at rethinking and updating how resilience practices and research are addressed.


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How to Cite
Ruiz-Román, C., Juárez Pérez-Cea, J., & Molina Cuesta, L. (2020). Evolution and new perspectives of the concept of resilience: from an individual-based approach to socio-educational contexts and relationships. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(2 Jul-Oct), 213–232. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.432981