Effectiveness of a program of training in digital competences applied to students of the degree of major in primary education based on the model affective elearning+


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.432421
Keywords: Affective eLearning , electronic Learning, competence, higher education, program evaluation, teacher education, quasiexperimental design


Introduction. This study analyzes the statistically significant differences in the degree of mastery of digital competence, contemplated from 4 dimensions and performance criteria (navigation and resolution of problems, legal provisions, copyrights and licenses, development and creation of content and interaction and management of digital identity), existing among students of the group that participated in an online training program based on the Affective eLearning+ model, and those who acted as control. The training plan evaluated was carried out during the development of the R + D + i project called Evaluation and development of two generic competences in first year students of the grade of teacher in primary education, which ended something more than a hundred of students of the Degree of Teaching of Primary Education of the Faculties of Education of the University of Oviedo, the University of Jaén and in the University Center SAFA (attached to the University of Jaén). Method. A pre-test-posttest self-created questionnaire was applied to both the experimental and control groups and the results were analyzed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Levene and t-Student statistical tests. Results. The significant differences obtained after applying the program between the experimental and control groups present a clearly favorable balance in 9 of the 13 competences performed, that is, 70% of the evaluated competences. Discussion. This emphasizes that the Affective eLearning+ model is effective in developing digital professional skills in a climate of well-being and satisfaction of the people to whom it applies.


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How to Cite
Ortega Carrillo, J. A., Rendón López, L. M., Fuentes Esparrell, J. A., & Ortega Maldonado, Álvaro. (2020). Effectiveness of a program of training in digital competences applied to students of the degree of major in primary education based on the model affective elearning+. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3 Nov-Feb), 81–104. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.432421