Oral and written competencies at a transitional stage: A study of narratives from first-year student teachers´ self-evaluations


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.424831
Keywords: Teacher Education, Student Teacher, Competencies, Formation, Transitional stage


The article presents a study concerning Norwegian student teachers’ understanding of their oral and written competencies in higher education, focusing on students in their initial teacher education studies as they prepare to become school teachers or kindergarten teachers. The study sought deeper insight into student teachers’ perceptions of their own performance in meeting the oral and written objectives of the academy. The study sample included the following categories of education students: part-time students at the bachelor’s level seeking to teach kindergarten, as well as full-time bachelor’s kindergarten students and full-time master’s students seeking to be primary and secondary educators. The findings in this analysis of student teachers’ experience, concerning oral and written competencies as expressed in sixty-seven narratives, indicated that they experienced high degrees of mastery for oral competency but lower levels for written competency. Further, students struggled with what they described as hidden or unclear expectations related to academic text production. Based on the findings of this study, the authors propose further investigation of students’ experiences in mastering language competencies. These findings on Norway will have parallels to other professional education programmes elsewhere in Europe.


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Author Biographies

Doctora Torhild Erika Hoydalsvik, Volda University College, Norway

Torhild Erika Lillemark Hoydalsvik is Head of Department (Education) at Volda University College in Norway. She is teaching in the special discipline pedagogy and works with teaching and research at the teacher education. In recent years Torhild Erika has conducted qualitative and quantitative studies of the Teacher Educator, Identity, Workplace-Based Education, Co-teaching, Team Work and Student attracting. For more information: https://www.hivolda.no/tilsette/institutt-pedagogikk/torhild-erika-lillemark-hoydalsvik

Doctora Hilde Randi Osdal, Volda University College

In Volda University College, Hilde Randi Osdal is teaching Norwegian as a second language, especially the use of New-Norwegian (Nynorsk), the less used of the two norms of written Norwegian, when teaching and learning Norwegian as a second language (2018).

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How to Cite
Hoydalsvik, T. E., & Osdal, H. R. (2020). Oral and written competencies at a transitional stage: A study of narratives from first-year student teachers´ self-evaluations. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3 Nov-Feb), 55–80. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.424831