Methodologies used by female bertsolaris in verse schools. Some contributions to coeducation
Bertsolarism, a practice which is conducted by bertsolaris, syncretizes aspects as divergent from one another as oral literature, square towns, language, and humour. In line with other cultural situations, female bertsolaris have been omitted from their own history. However, in recent decades, female bertsolaris have started gaining momentum in the public scene. Currently, half of the students of verse-schools, where bertsolaris are formed, are women. This article taps into improvisation and gender in general and about verse-schools and female bertsolaris in particular. To do so, 200 contemporary bertsolaris were surveyed through a questionnaire. Besides, 10 in-depth interviews and 5 discussion groups were conducted with 20 bertsolaris and professionals to extend the results of the questionnaires and analyze how bertsolaris were trained in improvisation in the past and how these bertsolaris are currently training future generations. The results show that these verse-schools reject competitiveness, promoting, instead, coeducational methodologies with more playful, cooperative, horizontal and participatory strategies.
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