A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices
Bearing in mind that early school leaving (ESL) / early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a political problem, this article looks at early school leaving in Portugal, focusing on its realities, contexts and practices and tapping into the interaction between the national and the European levels and their guidelines for education. The context of the problem and its evolution is briefly analyzed. Following the description of the education system, we also provide some reflections on current educational lines, providing evidence on how inclusion is implemented within such lines. Finally, intramural measures are proposed with a view to addressing early school leaving in an upper secondary school located in an educational area of priority intervention. The objective of the article is to analyze early school leaving by making the voices of different stakeholders heard—the school principal, teachers and students—following the implementation of a set of educational measures. These measures are preventive and include preparation for exams and the function of student advocates, two aspects which have a prominent role in this article. We argue that the struggle against ESL lies in the tension between economic policies and the knowledge society and the promotion of social inclusion which requires the definition of educational trajectories aimed at providing young people with the necessary tools for them to make adequate decisions for their future.
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