Scientific-technological competence in the training of students future teachers: some aspects of self-perception in respect of the integration of ICT in the classroom


Keywords: Educational Technology, teachers, Teacher Education, Higher Education


INTRODUCTION: We are currently looking for a competent teaching model able to face the new challenges of the knowledge society. Among the "desirable" competences, scientific and technological stands out, in order to explore and include all the opportunities offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their teaching practices. METHOD: This study responds to a descriptive-correlational design, whose purpose is to analyse the perception of future teachers about their scientific competence regarding the use of ICTs. For this purpose, an ad hoc questionnaire was developed, with 30 items and four response options. The questions included aspects such as their attitude towards the use of ICTs, what importance they attached to their inclusion in the classroom, as well as their perception about whether they were really prepared to face the challenge of using them in their subsequent professional practice. RESULTS: The results reveal that teacher aspirants feel technologically competent, but admit that they are not able to integrate ICTs into the classroom even though they know what teaching opportunities they offer. In turn, the participants have a positive appreciation for the use of ICT in the classroom, although they recognise a number of training needs to ensure their success when working as teachers.  A positive relationship is established between the assessment of ICT in teaching, its effects on learning, knowledge of its use for teaching purposes and how to include it in teaching practices. DISCUSSION: There is an evident need to reform training programmes on educational technology in order to achieve a balanced integration between scientific knowledge of technological tools and didactic-pedagogical knowledge.


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How to Cite
Tadeu, P. (2020). Scientific-technological competence in the training of students future teachers: some aspects of self-perception in respect of the integration of ICT in the classroom. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3 Nov-Feb), 37–54.