An Integrated Approach for the Training of Students in Education Degrees: Website creation to Teach Literature in Infant and Primary Education
The aim of this article is to reflect on the pertinence of the paradigm of literary education as a framework for the elaboration of teaching proposals in Infant and Primary Education Degrees. This type of training contributes to both developing students’ communicative competence, while also raising in them an understanding of reading as a basic aspect of people’s lives which is productive of pleasure, learning, creativity and personal enrichment. More specifically, this article reports on a project undertaken in the second year of both degrees, which consisted of the design of webpages as a tool for promoting Infant and Primary Education students’ literacy. We used a mixed methodology which encompassed quantitative and qualitative techniques, based on action research, with a view to exploring (i) whether this methodological option proved to be an effective tool for inducing students’ learning based on the acquisition of skills and transversal competencies (teamwork, innovation, creativity, use of ICT, etc.); and (ii) whether the project gives opportunities for interdisciplinary and collaborative work between teachers and students. Literary education projects are a useful methodology to achieve the objectives that current society requires from future teachers.
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