Teaching staff’s perceptions regarding their tutorial function
In existing literature the tutorial function is considered as a basic component of the teaching practice and a factor of teaching quality. The goal of our work is to analyze the different aspects of mentoring in Infant, Primary and Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. In order to achieve this goal, we emailed a test to a sample of mentors in all the autonomous regions of Spain. The test was filled in by 1,350 mentors. Given the constant changes in Spain’s socio educational reality, an exploratory work was carried out to obtain information about the current situation of the mentoring function. The analysis of their answers indicates that, as stated in existing research, they feel satisfied with their task, while they consider the aforementioned function is quite important for the education of pupils and the well-functioning of educational institutions. They feel reasonably recognized in their mentoring function both by teachers and by families. Nevertheless, they do not think the same about the recognition shown by the educational authorities. They understand that their mentoring task should count more towards their professional career. They consider that they receive adequate collaboration from the teaching staff, families and management boards in education centres. We understand that the educational authorities should further support mentors and improve their professional situation. Finally, it seems necessary to analyze the development of tutorial action according to the constant socioeducational and normative changes that occur.
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