Bullying and family attachment: Bully students’ perspectives


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.409251
Keywords: Bullying, aggression, attachment behaviour, family relationships


Bullying is a phenomenon that happens worldwide and a major concern for the educational systems of developed and developing countries. The present study analyzes: a) the differences in the aggression profile of Compulsory Secondary Education students based on personal, academic and family variables; and b) the differences in the assessment of the aggressive behaviours severity according to the student's aggression profile. The research involved 215 students of Compulsory Secondary Education from two schools in Tenerife. For the collection of data, a questionnaire was designed that addressed: 1) student aggression levels; 2) the quality of student relationships with their parents; and 3) the severity attributed by students to aggression situations. The results showed that the students with the highest aggression scores were: a) males; b) repeaters; c) those whose parents have a lower educational level; d) those who have the highest level of alienation with fathers and mothers; and e) those who have a lower level of trust with their father. Students who have a higher level of aggression tend to value aggressive behaviors as less serious than those who have a lower level of aggression. It is concluded that certain socio-family characteristics in young people, such as trust with parents and the feeling of integration with both parents, act as protective factors against bullying.


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How to Cite
Urresti-Padrón, I., Feliciano-García, L., & Santana-Vega, L. E. (2021). Bullying and family attachment: Bully students’ perspectives. Educatio Siglo XXI, 39(2), 325–344. https://doi.org/10.6018/educatio.409251