Applications of Educational Coaching: a literature review of research published during 2013-17
Coaching is a methodology whose purpose is to develop as much as possible the potential of individuals. It has been recently applied to the educational field in order to improve teaching skills and teacher and student performance. The aims of this research are: to carry out a review of current literature about coaching, to identify the most common application areas and to detect underdeveloped lines of research regarding coaching with a view to suggesting new approaches to this field. The methodology is based on a systematic review of articles, both in Spanish and English, published during the last five years. Besides, a distinction is made between theoretical and empirical studies. The current interest in educational coaching is reflected by the high number of studies published on this matter. Moreover, empirical studies confirm the effectiveness and benefits of coaching for all the agents involved in the educational community. Educational coaching has become a habitual practice in some countries such as The Unites States and is progressively becoming popular in educational settings all over the world. Despite this growing interest, multiple authors point out that more research is needed on educational coaching. They also consider that it is necessary to guarantee the scientific rigor of research. Finally, and taking into account the current corpus of studies, it seems necessary to explore a research line which to date has not been paid enough attention to: the use of coaching in secondary education when it comes to supporting adolescents with learning difficulties.
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