Movement and displacements in research. The post-qualitative seen as reconceptualization in two doctoral dissertations


  • Sara Carrasco Segovia Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
  • Paola Villanueva González Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Research; post-qualitative perspectives; reconceptualization of research; onto/epistemological and methodological shifts.


This paper presents the post-qualitative approach as an opportunity to rethink the meaning of research from positions which have not always been considered to be legitimate; from perspectives that move us from zones of stability to perspectives which place us within a problematic position, one that stimulates thought and generates ontological, epistemological, methodological and ethical displacements. For this purpose, we present the onto/epistemological and methodological assumptions which guide this research as well as how the adoption of a post-qualitative perspective helped us to rethink and reconfigure our positions as researchers, professors and artists during the developing processes of two doctoral theses. We look at the post-qualitative as a perspective in which we reconceptualize the ways of doing and thinking inquiry and how to explain it. A perspective that allows us to conduct a different type of research, to reformulate and rethink notions of qualitative research, and create new concepts which aim to go beyond the trend of domestication that has taken place in social research.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Segovia, S., & Villanueva González, P. (2019). Movement and displacements in research. The post-qualitative seen as reconceptualization in two doctoral dissertations. Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(2 Jul-Oct), 159–180.