Research on education as displacement: not knowing, opening up, becoming
The post-qualitative umbrella implies several displacements regarding the way research is understood. Some notions such as project design, data gathering or analysis, interviews, observation, representation, etc. are questioned while some others appear as sound alternatives. But what effects does this reconceptualization have during fieldwork? The present article establishes a dialogue between two doctoral dissertations to answer this question. The first thesis traces an ethnography on the learning activity of a cinema forum linked to the Assembly of Residents of Poble Sec. The second maps learning phenomena connected with the visual documentation and the work processes by 5th grade primary students in a school in Barcelona. In the former thesis the main methodological challenge was how to approach the process of becoming a researcher in contrast to the classical anthropological idea of “going native”; a contorted research figure sustained this transit so as to deal with precariousness and lack of time. In the latter thesis displacement consisted of opening up the research that was being undertaken to other dimensions such as improvisation, movements, intra-actions (Barad, 1996, 2003, 2007) and its own lines of flight (Deleuze and Guattari, 2004). Both theses displayed a state of uncertainty and opening that emerged as the condition and the form of knowledge about pedagogical spaces. How do the positions of researchers in education become places of “not knowing” (Rogoff, 2006; Atkinson, 2011, 2012, 2017), places of epistemic decentering and subjective becoming within specific situations and case studies (Barad, 2003, 2007)?
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