The post-qualitative approach in educational research: genealogy, strands, possibilities and tensions


  • Fernando Hernández-Hernández Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
  • Beatriz Revelles Benavente Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Post-qualitative; inquiry; post-humanism; new materialism; rhizome; new ontology.


This article aims to establish the genealogy of the strands that are linked to the so-called post-qualitative approach in research. These strands have emerged as a response to the attempts, since the 1990s, to positivize and objectify qualitative research by applying to it standards and rubrics which seek to define researcher training and the conceptualization and practice of research. This tendency, in the case of the United States where it is acquiring great relevance, is reaffirmed in 2002 when the National Research Council publishes a document that establishes how scientific research in education should be: replicable, generalizable, empirical and preferably experimental. This decision is part of a neoliberal form of governance that seeks to establish a unified vision of what reality should be and the role that research should have in this reality. The post-qualitative approach, which feeds on different
referents and projects itself in various directions, questions the onto-espistemological-methodological and ethical foundations that drive this normative attempt, at the same time as it avoids ways of doing research that predetermine the open and unpredictable meanings to which processes of inquiry can lead. In doing so, this study proposes other ways of conceptualizing what a research process may become.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Hernández, F., & Revelles Benavente, B. (2019). The post-qualitative approach in educational research: genealogy, strands, possibilities and tensions. Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(2 Jul-Oct), 21–48.