The Spanish school management model and its implications in the development of pedagogical leadership in Andalusia. A qualitative study


  • Maximiliano Ritacco Real Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Pedagogical leadership; school management; school organization.


The development of pedagogical leadership in school managers is a key factor for the improvement of students’ learning results. To this end, school managers require a degree of real autonomy regarding the management of pedagogical aspects in their schools. However, in Spain, the exercise of leadership does not imply the full development of its pedagogical dimension. The complexity and the traditionalist inertia of school culture have a negative
impact on these issues. Qualitative and interpretative, the present study has investigated the perspectives of fifteen school principals about their leadership and the possibilities to develop pedagogical leadership. The application of the technique of content analysis resulted in the consolidation of a series of emerging categories that respond to a series of pedagogical leadership capacities. With regard to the interpretative phase, the emergent organisation of its subcategories and the establishment of a categorical frequency index (CFI), as a quantitative ingredient, allowed us to complete the degree of comprehension and specification of the information.


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How to Cite
Ritacco Real, M. (2019). The Spanish school management model and its implications in the development of pedagogical leadership in Andalusia. A qualitative study. Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(1 Mar-Jun), 147–164.