The intimate space of pedagogy: educational relationships and its triple formative dimension as citizenship dynamism
In contexts of prostitution, the intimate space of pedagogy is a way of engaging, building a common space and promoting emancipation. When a prostitute comes into contact with a social entity she needs a warm welcome, but her training experience is subject to the climate of understanding and recognition that she might find in the education centre. Relationships are humanising and training forms of dynamism that show the interdependence of human life (Lévinas, 2000; Noddings, 2009). However, in situations of exclusion, we substitute the educational dimension inherent in relationships with the modes of attachment and accompaniment typical of professional distance. The study we present shows that relationships contain a great pedagogical dynamism that crosses and fills with meaning the pedagogical culture of social entities. Relationships constitute a formative way that has a triple dimension: encounter,
alliance and emancipation. This triple dimension is made visible in the forms of welcome and commitment, in the desire to value women and in the promotion of a process of individual and collective liberation.
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