Reflective teaching practice in mexican teachers facing the challenges of a new form of citizenship
Teachers bear the burden of achieving a true integral education and, if that were not enough, they must also submit administrative reports, carry out school management, develop research or establish linkages with various sectors, etc. Do all these tasks keep teachers from reflecting on how to really get their students involved in their learning? How can teachers help students make sense of their own learning? Teachers must continually rethink their professional work in order to innovate and improve (Galbán, 2016). Faced with an increasingly dehumanised world, education is emerging as the only means to promote and strengthen education in values, awareness of the dignity of people as well as service to others (Patiño, 2015). Therefore, this paper presents the results of a case study in which 26 teachers who teach at various levels of the Mexican educational system, did an exercise of self-observation and reflection of their teaching practice, in order to detect which factors are limiting learning. The analysis of the observations made it possible to identify that there are aspects, not necessarily linked to the contents, that prevent the training objectives from being
achieved. Specifically, those aspects are related to group process (motivation, team work and integration) and they might hinder the strengthening of comprehensive training among students.
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