Analysis of student assessment to rethink the teaching authority and training for citizenship


  • Gladys Merma-Molina Universidad de Alicante, Spain
  • Diego Gavilán Martín Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Keywords: Teaching authority; coexistence; citizens-ip; education., Teaching authority; coexistence; citizenship; education.


The increase in indiscipline and school violence, the loss of teacher authority and the lack of civility in young people is worrisome. In order to search and analyse the causes and consequences of these events, this study aims to: 1) identify the features that characterise teachers’ authority according to students’ opinion; 2) determine what type of behaviours these characteristics generate in students; and 3) analyse the possible relationships between teaching authority and citizenship. The data collection instrument is the Teaching Authority and Coexistence Questionnaire, designed and validated by the Research Group on Indiscipline and Violence in Education. The sample consisted of 738 students. The dimensions that are analysed are: teaching competence, exemplary behaviour, personality and attitudes. The findings reveal that students remark the following features regarding their teachers’ authority: 1) their attitudes: they know
how to relate to students, they participate in activities and they integrate all students, they are interested in all students, they seek harmony and treat each student on a personal level; 2) their mastery of the subject, the use of active methodologies and their interest in increasing students’ knowledge; and 3) the personality of the teachers: they are demanding, self-demanding and impartial. Other aspects students identify include the facts that teachers do not have an exemplary behaviour, they are not fair with their punishments, they do not respect all students and they do not behave as they ask students to behave. The correlations between teaching authority and the attitudes of the students reveal that the characteristics of the teacher influence students’ behaviour, classroom climate and academic performance.



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How to Cite
Merma-Molina, G., & Gavilán Martín, D. (2019). Analysis of student assessment to rethink the teaching authority and training for citizenship. Educatio Siglo XXI, 37(1 Mar-Jun), 55–72.