General didactics: state of the art and vicissitudes and controversies
This study explores the actions that neopositivism undertakes at macro, meso and micro levels in order to neutralize the understanding of didactics as a science. Such actions consist of complementary interventions aimed at producing disagreements with the aforementioned academic field. Neopositivism subverts the true purpose of the educational fact, which seeks to make people better. It neutralizes the development of didactics as a science by annulling its technologic function, which mediates and guides, and by replacing didactic actions for slogans which are closer to witty remarks than to knowhow. This reality reaches classrooms, impeding the proper management of the educational
fact and students’ needs. This generates changes in the understanding of phenomena and realities, which disassociates people from their true identities with explanations unrelated to the reality of their nature.
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