Problem solving and regulation in learning


  • Jordi Deulofeu Piquet Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
  • Joana Vilallonga Pons Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España


Problem solving classroom practices have multiple facets. One of them is related to the evaluation and, consequently, the use of evaluation devices that enhance students’ learning as they help the students to reflect on their own outcomes. In this article we analyse the use of an orientation basis as a device to support first year secondary students’ mathematical problem solving. In particular, we study the relation between the number of actions of the orientation basis in which the students were involved when they solved a problem and their solutions to the problem. The emerging existence of this relationship allows us to consider the orientation basis as a problem-solving-related form of selfscaffolding.


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How to Cite
Deulofeu Piquet, J., & Vilallonga Pons, J. (2018). Problem solving and regulation in learning. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(3 Nov-Feb1), 153–176.