Interculturality in Extremadura: Pending Tasks for a 21st Century Inclusive School


  • Raquel Borrero López Colegio Ramón Izquierdo, Badajoz
  • Florentino Blázquez Entonado Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: Intercultural Education, Multiculturalism and Interculturality, Education of ethnic minorities.


The Autonomous Community of Extrema-
dura (Spain) is one of the last regions in
the Western world to incorporate to its
schools a remarkable number of students
of foreign origin or ethnic and cultural mi-
norities. This research aims to verify the
pedagogical model from which intercul-
tural education is understood and worked
by teachers with a view to detecting their
training needs and to suggest the keys that
allow for the development of the intercul-
tural critical approach in primary and se-
condary schools in the region. To respond
to these objectives, a mixed research de-
sign was carried out using questionnaires,
interviews, discussion focus groups and
documentary analysis. The conclusions
obtained are rather nuanced but there is
a slight impact on the teachers’ perception
of multiculturalism, especially regarding
their daily work in the classroom and the
communication and disciplinary models
that are used in it. However, even when the teachers are still far from internalizing
a critical intercultural educational model,
they express concern and interest regar-
ding minority groups, which constitutes a
strong starting point for training work.


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How to Cite
Borrero López, R., & Blázquez Entonado, F. (2018). Interculturality in Extremadura: Pending Tasks for a 21st Century Inclusive School. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(2 Jul-Oct), 65–92.