What Do Compulsory Secondary Education Students Learn about Art History? An Analysis of the Legislation and Exams in the Region of Murcia (Spain)


  • José Monteagudo Fernández Universidad de Murcia
  • María Isabel Vera Muñoz Universidad de Alicante
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/j/308981
Keywords: History of art, compulsory secondary education, assessment of learning, cognitive abilities.


The discipline of art history has a specific subject in the last year of post-compulsory secondary education but not in the case of compulsory education, where it is taught in connection with the contents of history. This is important because for many students it will be the last time to study artistic contents in their period of compulsory education. Given the importance of arts education in the integral development of people, the aim of this paper is to determine the relevance and nature of the art history contents present in exams in ESO (compulsory secondary education), the different periods and artistic expressions assessed, and the cognitive skills required in this kind of exams. We have analyzed the regional legislation of Murcia and different exam types (partial, final, etc.) for the Social Sciences subject, and Geography and History, in 1 st , 2 nd and 4 th years of ESO. The results indicate that the exams do not give the relevance to the contents of art history that the legislation established for ESO, which were quite vague in the first
place, focusing on conceptual elements and memory capacity.


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How to Cite
Monteagudo Fernández, J., & Vera Muñoz, M. I. (2017). What Do Compulsory Secondary Education Students Learn about Art History? An Analysis of the Legislation and Exams in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Educatio Siglo XXI, 35(3 Nov-Feb1), 229–254. https://doi.org/10.6018/j/308981