Digital competence and information management in future primary school teachers


  • Mario Grande-De-Prado Universidad de León
  • Ruth Cañón-Rodríguez Universidad de León
  • Isabel Cantón-Mayo Universidad de León
Keywords: Digital Literacy, Information management, ICT, initial training, students, higher education, EHEA.


This study aims to analyze the perception
of beginner students in the Degree
of Primary School Education about their
competence to manage information. This
ability to manage information has become
a fundamental axis in present-day
society and its development in teachers
is an important educational challenge.
This study has used a descriptive-interpretative
ex post facto methodology.
Data were collected through a questionnaire
given to Primary School Degree
students who had just started their degree
at the University of León. The results
indicate that the students regard themselves
as highly competent in the most
simple and basic digital aspects such
as Internet browsing. In contrast, they
seem unfamiliar with RSS feeds, social
bookmarking sites or start webs. Some
useful tools for students such as virtual

repositories have never been employed
by a significant part of the sample.
These shortcomings in the management of
information, beyond the most superficial
skills, are important for future teachers
and for decisions and actions taken in
their initial training.


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How to Cite
Grande-De-Prado, M., Cañón-Rodríguez, R., & Cantón-Mayo, I. (2016). Digital competence and information management in future primary school teachers. Educatio Siglo XXI, 34(3 Noviembr), 101–118.