Designing an evaluation template of scientific web sites for the implementation of teaching and learning materials (German-English-Spanish)


  • Miriam Seghiri Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Evaluation, web sites, science, medicine, teaching and learning, parameters, indicators.


Nowadays, most of the tools using natural
language processing (NLP) for automatic
or semi-automatic creation of teaching
and learning materials are based on texts
called corpora downloaded from the Internet.
This is the case of the TELL-ME
project that holds an e-learning platform
for scientific and medical staff in three 

languages (German, English and Spanish).
However, it is essential to ensure the reliability
of the sample compiled to ensure,
in turn, the quality of the resources that
are implemented from it. A clear selection
of parameters and indicators must be carried
out. It is also important to take into
account user needs (depending on the
degree of specialization), the time available
to perform the analysis, and finally,
the volume of data being analyzed. Once
these parameters and indicators have been
selected, it will be possible to proceed to
the implementation of an electronic template
for the evaluation of scientific web
sites online from which the corpus to create
teaching-learning materials is compiled.



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How to Cite
Seghiri, M. (2016). Designing an evaluation template of scientific web sites for the implementation of teaching and learning materials (German-English-Spanish). Educatio Siglo XXI, 34(3 Noviembr), 9–26.