The use of metacognitive tools in the preparation for the end-of-degree dissertation at the School of Engineering ESIME-Culhuacán, the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico


  • Ana María Mendioroz Lacambra Universidad Pública de Navarra
Keywords: Concept mapping, v heuristics, investigation, metacognition.


This study is aimed at assessing the effectiveness  of the use of heuristics V Gowinand conceptual Map for visualizing the process of building knowledge in research tasks; specifically to guide research, conceive of it as a process where the epistemology
of science and methodology converge, and to facilitate communication of results. It is part of a research project at the School of Engineering ESIME in the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico which lasted for three months and was conducted with students of the Computer Engineering Bachelor Degree. It is based on tools that help develop metacognitive strategies which are essential to conduct research. Qualitative methodology, the model of research action, facilitates data collection through a questionnaire, implemented at the beginning and end of theprocedure, which makes evident students’ beliefs on research, problems encountered during the procedure, the concept of building knowledge and personal assessment of both metacognitive tools, both in terms of development and in terms of their employment. Moreover, to recover evidence of student productions, a template that students adapt to their necessities is designed. The data analysis with a qualitative orientation allows obtaining results consistent with previous studies, reveals the effectiveness of the V of Gowin and Conceptual Map to perform research tasks since this approach facilitates the integration of theoretical and methodological frameworks, guides the process—its planning, monitoring and constant evaluation of the procedures. This approach does also help visualize the process of building knowledge, promoting metacognition, and increases the safety of students, besides helping to improve the communication of results.


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How to Cite
Mendioroz Lacambra, A. M. (2016). The use of metacognitive tools in the preparation for the end-of-degree dissertation at the School of Engineering ESIME-Culhuacán, the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. Educatio Siglo XXI, 34(1 Marzo), 197–222.