From SFL (Spanish as s Foreign Language) to the development of CALP and bilingual metacompetence


  • Laura Sanfelici Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Elena Firpo Università degli Studi di Genova
Keywords: Bilingualism, CALP, BICS, ICT.


The paper aims to illustrate the research that has led to the creation, design and development of the LI.LO Project (Lingua Italiana e Lingua di Origine), targeted at students of Hispanophone origin of second generation and attending Italian middle school (scuola secondaria di primo grado, aged beteween 11 and 14). The project aims primarily to develop academic skills in both languages and CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) which is the ability to manipulate language and contents for academic purposes. The methodology is divided into two phases: in phase one, before defining the course objectives, data had to be collected on the basis of the linguistic and communicative abilities in both languages (Italian and Spanish) used at school by students of non-Italian origin. Two tools were used: a language test and a linguistic biography. As regards language, mean scores recorded by Italian students were higher than those achieved by Hispanophones. However, for His panophone students Italian as a language of study is the language in which their scores were higher. In the second phase a workshop was created with the aim to improve CALP and study-oriented computer skills. A blended methodology was adopted with distance learning delivered through a teaching platform and access to appropriate on-line text books, while traditional classroom teaching took place in a computer lab. The results that emerged in the second phase showed that the LI.LO course helped develop CALP regarding comprehension skills in both languages and in the use of the language, particularly in Italian.


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How to Cite
Sanfelici, L., & Firpo, E. (2015). From SFL (Spanish as s Foreign Language) to the development of CALP and bilingual metacompetence. Educatio Siglo XXI, 33(1 Marzo), 295–310.