Student perception about the university system in the context of European Higher Education: participation in international mobility programs


  • M.ª del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino Universidad de Jaén
  • Eufrasio Pérez Navío Universidad de Jaén
  • M.ª Jesús Colmenero Ruiz Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, students, Erasmus Program, Early Education Degree, Elementary Education Degree.


This paper aims to understand the perceptions of Primary Education Degree students at the University of Jaén about the university system, paying particular attention to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the international mobility of students. To do this, the authors use a descriptive methodology, using an ad hoc questionnaire (n= 230). The results show the favorable opinion of students towards teaching planning and organization, despite showing his indifference to degrees and curricula, educational services provided from the university, students’ learning process, and academic knowledge on the Degree studied. Furthermore, it demonstrates the existence of statistically significant differences in the perceptions of students on the university system according to whether or not they have participated in international mobility programs. These differences are especially obvious in matters relating to planning, teaching and academic knowledge about the Degree—students who have studied in a foreign university have a more favorable opinion about these aspects than those who have not.


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How to Cite
Pegalajar Palomino, M. del C., Pérez Navío, E., & Colmenero Ruiz, M. J. (2014). Student perception about the university system in the context of European Higher Education: participation in international mobility programs. Educatio Siglo XXI, 32(2 Julio), 221–244.