Plan and reflect together in the classroom: Strategies help shared textual composition


  • Belén Izquierdo-Magaldi
Keywords: School context, essay writing, guided participation, educational assistance strategies, metacognitive reflection.


Interest in training future teachers at the University has brought us to the study of educational practices in the school everyday. We try to understand the teaching and learning processes that take place in the classroom to offer suggestions for improvement both for practice and for teacher training. Our approach to Sociocultural and ethnomethodological approaches allowed us to observe and explore a contextualized educational activity, taking into account the participants, their roles and cultural aspects in framing. We want to show the process of developing stories and support strategies that take place when teachers and students from 14 years working together in a writing workshop in the school curriculum. Thinking with help from other people about language as a tool that builds and transforms knowledge enables students to be aware of the tasks they perform and aims to improve their knowledge.

In the planning stages, textualization and writing workshop review, analysis of established educational dialogue revealed the scaffolding of the teacher to guide reflection and generalization of meanings. Has explicitly aimed at both the organization of social relations and the execution of the task structured along the writing process.


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How to Cite
Izquierdo-Magaldi, B. (2013). Plan and reflect together in the classroom: Strategies help shared textual composition. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(2), 323–346. Retrieved from