Music education from a movement perspective


  • Gregorio Vicente Nicolás
Keywords: Movement, music, dance, Primary Education.


The aim of this work is to offer some methodological guidelines for developing music activities in Primary Education from the perspective of movement and dance. To this end, we designed a “protocol” of musical contents divided into six core skills: musical language, listening, singing, playing, dancing, knowing and being. For the creation of this protocol, the curricula for the area of Music in Primary Education over the last decades has been taken as the main reference. A secondary objective is to offer a comprehensive approach to the musical phenomenon that includes movement and dance as fundamental elements of musical activities in Primary Education, as well as listening to, reading and writing music, singing or playing instruments.


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How to Cite
Vicente Nicolás, G. (2013). Music education from a movement perspective. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(2), 149–170. Retrieved from