On the arguments of education change. The Crisis of Pedagogic Rationality


  • Carlos Skliar
Keywords: Educational argument, teaching rationality, Explanation, difference, change.


Education can be understood as the durability over time, and support in its structure and institutions, of a series of arguments understood as natural and normal. Among them: the logic of the explanation, the filling of the other, to put in the future educational ideals and assimilatory understanding of differences. His character of past and present rationality, merely promise a definitive argument that only becomes harder to install his own rationale: educational change.  


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How to Cite
Skliar, C. (2013). On the arguments of education change. The Crisis of Pedagogic Rationality. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(2), 129–146. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/187131