What will have been about Social Sciences?


  • José Enrique Ema
Keywords: Social science, scientism, technocracy, emancipation, politics, capitalism, commodification.


In this paper we try to answer an old question: what kind of relationship can be established
between emancipatory politics and social sciences? This attempt has led us to make a little tour on the state of social sciences in our current context paying attention to its effects and political conditions. After locating three ways of linking science and emancipation, we address a
major concern in our work: the increasingly important role of the social sciences as a device that helps to naturalize the established order as the only possible horizon. We develop this issue by relating it to the transformations of contemporary capitalism and the commodification of knowledge. We point out the effects of this transformation to end by suggesting a non-scientistic nor technocratic way of understanding social sciences.


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How to Cite
Ema, J. E. (2013). What will have been about Social Sciences?. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(2), 15–34. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/187051