Specialized education and new technologies. An experience in the Music Conservatory of Torrente


  • María del Mar Bernabé Villodre
Keywords: Music education, new technologies, basic skills, specialized education, musical language.


This article describes the educational experience in the classroom of musical language of Teaching Music Theory Elementary and Professional Conservatory of Music Torrente (Valencia), due to the installation of the digital whiteboard in the classroom of musical language. It shows the process of adapting teaching to the implementation of this new technology that supposedly can facilitate the learning of this subject learners, while the problems are reflected in the use of it in the music room of the Specialized Education and training needs of teachers in the specialty of musical language in order to use this resource in their classes.




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Author Biography

María del Mar Bernabé Villodre

Universidad de Valencia
How to Cite
Bernabé Villodre, M. del M. (2013). Specialized education and new technologies. An experience in the Music Conservatory of Torrente. Educatio Siglo XXI, 31(1), 193–212. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/175131