Characteristics of families suffering parent abuse: a literature review


  • Concepción Aroca Montelío
  • Paz Cánovas Leonhardt
  • José Luis Alba Robles
Keywords: Children violence against parents, causes and predictors, parental educational styles, socioeconomic level of the family, single parenting.


The Spanish Ministry of the Interior establishes that the number of formal complaints lodged by maltreated mothers by their sons or daughters bellow the age of eighteen years old has increased considerably, from 3.433 in 2002 to 5.111 in 2007. Although, in the case of maltreated fathers the number has remained around the 2.500 formal complaints during the same period of time. One of the reasons can be due to the fact that one of the progenitors has abdicated of his or her parental function of control or intervention this is what many author’s names as the absence of the parental presence or as failure of/ dysfunctions in hierarchical authority. Other studies point out not only the parental educational styles characterized as over-protective, coercive or authoritarian, but also their socioeconomic level of the families. In this article we try to contribute data related to the risk factors previously exposed. These factors are positively correlated with the children to parental violence and they also try to clarify the existence of other factors, not mentioned before, that could be linked to the phenomenon we are dealing with.


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Author Biographies

Concepción Aroca Montelío

Universidad de Valencia

Paz Cánovas Leonhardt

Universidad de Valencia

José Luis Alba Robles

Universidad de Valencia
How to Cite
Aroca Montelío, C., Cánovas Leonhardt, P., & Alba Robles, J. L. (2012). Characteristics of families suffering parent abuse: a literature review. Educatio Siglo XXI, 30(2), 231–254. Retrieved from