Discrimination in Disabled Women: A Proposal of Prevention and Intervention


  • Asunción Moya Maya
  • María Del Pilar García Rodríguez
  • María José Carrasco Macias
Keywords: woman, disability, violence, discrimination, training, Didactic units.


The authors of this article aim at showing a reflection on unabled women and the double discrimination they are subjected to. On the one hand they are women; on the other hand they suffer from both physical handicap and social lack of understanding. Discrimination is present in every aspect of their lives: work, health, training... It underlies patterns of passive and active violence to which disabled women are specially sensitive about. A brief description of some patterns of performance developed by the project “Discrimination against disabled women: A preventive and educative interventioin proposal” is offered. This project which has been developed by Huelva University has focussed on training as the key element to foster positive attitudes towards disability. It also helps to become aware of the needs and specific problems disabled women have to cope with. For these reasons we have developed different didactic units which are been implemented at schools in Huelva and surrounding areas (three for Primary School, one for Secondary Education and one for Infant Schools). We present one of the didactic unit. Key Word: woman, disability, violence, discrimination, training, Didactic units.


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Author Biographies

Asunción Moya Maya

Universidad de Huelva

María Del Pilar García Rodríguez

Universidad de Huelva

María José Carrasco Macias

Universidad de Huelva
How to Cite
Moya Maya, A., García Rodríguez, M. D. P., & Carrasco Macias, M. J. (2006). Discrimination in Disabled Women: A Proposal of Prevention and Intervention. Educatio Siglo XXI, 24, 99–122. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/159