The Education Degree at the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of Mondragón: A Process of Educational Innovation


  • María Pilar Sagasta Errasti
  • Mariam Bilbatua Pérez
Keywords: Competences, educational innovation, study plan, evaluation, EEES, top education, function of the university.


This article gathers the process of innovation realized in the Teacher’s qualifications in the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of the Education of the University Mondragón. The above mentioned process has supposed the definition of the professional profile, a diagnosis of the situation, the redesign of the study plan, the reorganization of the curriculum, the implementation of methodologies and didactic strategies most centred on the student body and the creation of new organs of management of the plan of formation. All this process has gone accompanied from his beginning of a plan of evaluation. The obtained results are positive and the satisfaction of the student body and professorship implied in the process they encourage us to continue going deeply into this process of innovation that takes implicitly a different way of understanding the top education and the function of the university.


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Author Biographies

María Pilar Sagasta Errasti

Universidad de Mondragón

Mariam Bilbatua Pérez

Universidad de Huhezi
How to Cite
Sagasta Errasti, M. P., & Bilbatua Pérez, M. (2006). The Education Degree at the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of Mondragón: A Process of Educational Innovation. Educatio Siglo XXI, 24, 77–96. Retrieved from