Harassment among Equals and the Rights of the Child


  • Ricardo García Pérez
  • Luis López Catalán
Keywords: School harassment, Victimization, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Co-existence, Peace Culture.


New technologies pave the path for new scenarios in life, as well as the usage of a type of media and devices that can be potentially used as tools for aggressive behavior, although any type of harassment or violence that occurs within the context of the school environment constitutes an attack against the rights and liberties of minors, as established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this article we review the most relevant studies that have been carried out by both state and local administrations, which have taken place in our country in specific areas, in order to give relevance to the results of the analysis of such events in context, taking into account the interactions of the subjects involved, which plays a major role in the analysis of the development of girls and boys. Results from such research suggest a need to work on the basis of prevention, encouraging the creation of programs that bring about co-existing environments. With that goal in mind, we sum up our analysis with an emphasis on the accomplishments of the region of Andalucía.


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How to Cite
García Pérez, R., & López Catalán, L. (2012). Harassment among Equals and the Rights of the Child. Educatio Siglo XXI, 30(2), 167–184. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/153741