The Psychology of Music and Musical Emotion


  • Josefa Lacárcel Moreno Universidad de Murcia


The Psychology of Music comprises several research lines due to the richness and variety of musical behaviour. Among those presented in the introduction. I have chosen for further development the one on to musical emotion and its relation to musical education. According to the article in question and after a brief introduction, I will focus my presentation fi rstly on the bases which support musical behaviour from the perspective of the infl uence caused by music in the world of emotion. I will subsequently present the existing interaction between emotional intelligence and musical behaviour, and will conclude with the fi elds of application which may be useful to professionals devoted to Musical Education as well as to any other people who may be interested in these subjets.


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How to Cite
Lacárcel Moreno, J. (2003). The Psychology of Music and Musical Emotion. Educatio Siglo XXI, 20, 213–226. Retrieved from