The Art of Teaching through Art: the Didactic Value of Romanesque Images


  • Luz Muñoz Covalán
  • Gracia Ruiz Llamas
Keywords: Arte, románico, pedagogía, imagen, didáctica.


During the High Medieval times, images got a main role within the teaching-learning process that church promoted. Plastic Arts became tools with a pedagogic goal. They had to instruct the faith and teach the models of behaviour that came from Church itself for the whole society. Thought of means of learning for the unlearned by the Christian Western world, the Church elaborated a system of coordinates which tried to diferenciate good from evil. This was essential for Medieval people. All the gromps forming a social order, made up by the most powerful of the feudal lords, God, were submitted. All human beings had to pay tribute under the threat of being condemned to the fi re of Hell.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Covalán, L., & Ruiz Llamas, G. (2003). The Art of Teaching through Art: the Didactic Value of Romanesque Images. Educatio Siglo XXI, 20, 227–244. Retrieved from