Design and Validation of the Questionnaire “Self-Assessment in Directive Management in Search of a Creative Understanding of Education”


  • Michelle Mendoza Lira
Keywords: Educational research, validation of the questionnaire, creativity, reliability, validity.


This research paper, part of a larger study (PhD thesis), reports the results obtained from the process of development and validation of a questionnaire entitled Selfmanagement policy towards a creative education,” whose main objective is to determine the contribution of the management teams in the promotion of creativity
in their schools. This questionnaire is structured as a selfreport scale consists of 5 factors and 29 items, and is aimed at members of the management teams of public school systems, private subsidized and paid private in Chile. Its theoretical framework is based
on the “Framework for the good direction”, a proposal of domains and approaches to the task manager, prepared by the Ministry of Education of Chile. The criteria for the validation of this questionnaire was analyzed from its content validity, construct validity and reliability. To determine its content validity, we used Lawshe’s strategy, while for the construct validity was factor analysis of the data through principal components and Varimax rotation. As for reliability, we used the Cronbach’s Alpha Method. Applied to a sample of 121 executives from 29 high schools in the region of Valparaiso (Chile), the results of the analysis showed adequate content validity and construct, as well as high levels of reliability, so this tool allows assess the perceptions of managers regarding their own professional performance towards a creative education.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Lira, M. (2011). Design and Validation of the Questionnaire “Self-Assessment in Directive Management in Search of a Creative Understanding of Education”. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 369–388. Retrieved from