The Training of Female Teachers and Equality of Opportunities: Past and Present


  • Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban
  • María Rosa Luengo González
  • Luis Manuel Casas García
Keywords: Initial teacher training, women teachers, coeducation, university.


Despite the efforts of feminist movements, the legislation and policies on equality opportunities, career choices in relation to teacher studies are still biased by gender reasons. This is due to highly feminization of this university studies, at least in our
country. This practice dates back to a curriculum differentiated for teachers which disappeared with the legal implementation of the mixed school. However, as data show differences remain among teachers’ future options, which lead to ask whether co-education has been taking into account at schools. Since this is not a recent phenomenon we plan to reveal what have happened at the Faculties of Education.


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Author Biographies

Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban

Universidad de Extremadura

María Rosa Luengo González

Universidad de Extremadura

Luis Manuel Casas García

Universidad de Extremadura
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Esteban, P., Luengo González, M. R., & Casas García, L. M. (2011). The Training of Female Teachers and Equality of Opportunities: Past and Present. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 333–352. Retrieved from