Current Contributions of Student Leadership in the Italian context: The University of Bologna


  • Manuel Lorenzo Delgado
  • María Pilar Cáceres Reche
  • Inmaculada Aznar Díaz
  • Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena
  • Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres
Keywords: Student´s Leadership, perceptions, introspective field, university micro politic.


In this paper, the main contributions are summarized, in relation to a descriptive study developed in Bolonia, previously made in other European countries (Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom) based on the organizational and functional peculiarities of student´s leadership at italian context. For this, it has been used a questionnaire focused on knowing their perceptions about why they are chosen (attributions); for what (roles, expectative); how they develop their functions (practice of leadership) and the valuing made by all them (satisfactions and deceptions) from an introspective field. 


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Author Biographies

Manuel Lorenzo Delgado

Universidad de Granada

María Pilar Cáceres Reche

Universidad de Granada

Inmaculada Aznar Díaz

Universidad de Granada

Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena

Universidad de Granada

Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres

Universidad de Granada
How to Cite
Lorenzo Delgado, M., Cáceres Reche, M. P., Aznar Díaz, I., Hinojo Lucena, F. J., & Trujillo Torres, J. M. (2011). Current Contributions of Student Leadership in the Italian context: The University of Bologna. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 313–332. Retrieved from