The Creation of an Urban Look. Santiago de Compostela Interpreted by Education Degree Students


  • Carmen Franco-Vázquez
  • Ricard Huerta
Keywords: Art education, ICT and teaching, photography.


This article attempts to describe a cooperative project carried out in the University of Santiago de Compostela among the teaching staff of the area of the Didactic of Plastic Expression of Santiago and Valencia. The starting point consisted of a proposal made to the student body with the object of, while walking round the city they should think about the public-private dichotomy. The photography images obtained served as a pretext to study in depth the perception that future teachers have on crucial aspects of Artistic Education. With practices of this kind the object is that the following generations should develop systems of work based on activities of creative work, analysis and discussion.


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How to Cite
Franco-Vázquez, C., & Huerta, R. (2011). The Creation of an Urban Look. Santiago de Compostela Interpreted by Education Degree Students. Educatio Siglo XXI, 29(2), 237–254. Retrieved from