Migrations and the Responses it Elicits. The Intercultural Perspective


  • Alfonso García Martínez
  • María Lourdes Cobacho Inglés
Keywords: Interculturalism, Immigration, Integration, Racism, Xenophobia.


The recent happened events, both in some Spanish localities and in the periphery of some big French cities, reveal the weakness of the bases and the confusion reigning in Europe on the treatment of the sociocultural diversity. The multitude of involved aspects -from the work up to the housing, passing through the education and the equality of opportunities of the different social components- they allow to estimate that, though the education (formal and social) for the improvement of the intercultural and intergroup relations it’s a necessary condition, it isn’t suffi cient to assure the advances towards an intercultural society, democratic, with unity and forged on the foundations of the plurality and the diversity. In this article, it is tried to emphasize some of the underlying elements to the contradictions that make diffi cult such walking.


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How to Cite
García Martínez, A., & Cobacho Inglés, M. L. (2005). Migrations and the Responses it Elicits. The Intercultural Perspective. Educatio Siglo XXI, 23, 105–124. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/educatio/article/view/124